Bible Study

Study: the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject, especially by means of books.

If you are going over the verses, but you do not take any new knowledge or understanding away, than you are not studying the bible; simply reading. Once you study God's Word, application to your life is the next step. This is were it gets tricky. Each person applies the Word differently because we are all unique, and experience life in our own way. Therefore, we need to study in a manner that points toward our weaknesses and helps us define ways to improve those areas of our lives. This is why I use the method I am about to show you.

For personal reasons I have found this to be the most beneficial way for me to not only retain the Word, but also to enjoy reading it on a daily basis. Without enjoyment the Word is no longer helpful to us. Reading the Word draws us closer to God. Therefore, we have to go to God's Word in thanksgiving; open to instruction. If you are dreading the experience you will not take anything away to edify your life.

So this is what it looks like at my table when I'm doing a Bible study. 

You are probably thinking it is a bit crowded. However, this for me, is all the tools I could possibly need.

Reasons for these items:

  1. Color Coded Bible: This is my Bible that brings definition to the text for me. I use a coloring chart to help me decode what I am reading. Plus, it makes me read the passage twice. Once in entirety so I understand the verses in context. The second time to color code it. This helps me retain the knowledge after I close my Bible. 
  2. Notebook: I use this to apply my reading to my life. Lately I've been following Good Morning Girls studies and I have really enjoyed the layout. Other uses for the notebook are doodling and reference later throughout the day and week. 
  3. Study Bible: This is my original Bible, so it has notes and highlights that were from the first time I read through the passages. However, they are not color coded or clear as to why I liked the verse, hence the first Bible. This Bible is also a study Bible, which I highly recommend each person have. It not only has cross-references, it also contains explanations for the verses and what scholars think it applies to; whether it be topical or other Biblical events.  The last thing it contains is a Word Press section. This I confess I don't use that often; however, it can be very helpful in understanding the meaning of a verse or passage. 
  4. Laptop: This I use for multiple purposes first, for music. I love listening to music while reading my Bible, it helps me with writing ideas and clearer thinking. The second is reference. I can look up multiple verses, and passages this way; and also get definitions for words unfamiliar to me. When studying a verse I like to go back to the original language and get a better understanding of the words meaning. Certain words or phrases, when translated, lose part of their definition or change entirely. 
The colored pencils and water bottle are for the first Bible and myself. Got to stay hydrated!

You do not have to study the same as me! Like I said earlier, each person is unique and therefore applies the Bible in their own way. This method works best for me and I like having a different Bible for each reading process. I currently own three Bibles, the two above, and a third with no marks for Church. I also like this one because it doesn't have any of my own opinions on the pages. It is purely God's Word. For anyone who is wondering, I personally love the NKJV. Every one of my Bibles is in this format. It is the closest to the original text, and is also easy for me to read; plus if I ever need a KJV, I can just borrow my husband's.

     2 Timothy 3:14-17
                 " 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.      16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."

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